Thursday 7 May 2009

Update: 7th May 09

Another extremely productive day - it was my sisters birthday so I spent the day with her. Sadly, I haven't made any progress with my novel today, so I shall have to work extra hard tomorrow. I may go and do one chapter after posting this blog, but... Eh. I'm not sure.
I have half of tomorrow and the entire weekend free so I should be able to catch up. My target is to reach halfway through my novel by the end of the weekend - I'm not sure how realistic this is (without killing myself, of course).


Wednesday 6 May 2009

Progress: 6th May 09

Today I completed my redraft of chapter three. I know I said I'd aim for two chapters a day (excuses imminent) but chapter three was one of the longer ones.
And, hey, I made a chapter page - which of course makes up for my lack of completing chapter four. However, of course the chapter list isn't finished yet as I haven't decided which chapters start where. Hm.
All in all, good progress for today.


(Note: No, I'm not expecting anyone to read any of my drabble - I just felt like documenting my progress. It's my first novel after all (I need something to laugh at in ten years time) and also - posting here everyday makes it feel like I've actually made progress (and makes me feel less like blowing my brains out with a gun).

Tuesday 5 May 2009

Progress: 5th May 09

The long process of rewriting has, finally, begun. Today I rewrote my prologue and chapter one. I also rewrote the original chapter two, but I decided to merge it with chapter one.

When I wrote the first draft I only marked where I thought the chapters would be with some asteriks (*). Decidedly, some of them are too short or in inconvenient places, so I will be merging them together.

Also - the prologue. It was non-existant before. I decided that I needed one to act as a hook to drag the reader in (kicking and screaming). It turned out quite well, in my opinion, but too short.
The shortness appears to be my most consistent problem throughout my novel.

I start quickly and move on quickly - so quickly that in the first twenty pages there's already been three major events. I suppose the only reason that the novel is so long (about 250 pages, which isn't exactly huge) is because the plot is so long and complicated. I will have to find a way to make my chapters longer, without waffling. Hm.


My Current Progress.

I have a long way to go. My novel is still in the works - the basic backbone (the first draft) is completed and I am currently working on rewriting the messy draft and hopefully crafting it into something wonderful.

I'll set myself a target of two chapters per day so that I am not tempted to kill myself (plus, I have work from 7am to 4pm each day).

Here's my wonderful to-do list:
+Finish second draft
+Sort out chapters...
+Decide on final title
+Create a drop-dead-stunning query (to bombard agents with)
+Create a drop-dead-stunning synopsis (see above)

I definitely have my work cut out for me.



Greetings, world.

I have created this blog for a particular purpose; I am an aspiring writer (like thousands of others out there) and I am embarking on the impossible quest of getting published. I know, I know.

I will use this blog to document my struggle into the Wide World Of Publishers.
